We Found 36 Resources For You..
To get Supplemental Security Income (SSI), your countable resources must not be worth more than $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for a couple. We call this the resource limit. Read the SSI Spotlight on Resources, for information about how we count resources.
We found 36 resources for you..
In some cases, we consider putting resources into a trust as a transfer of resources that makes you ineligible for SSI. In other cases, we count the trust itself as a resource. Moreover, the value of the trust could put you over the resource limit. See the SSI Spotlight on Trusts or more information on how trusts affect SSI eligibility.
Medicaid may not pay for certain health care costs if you or your spouse gives away a resource or sell it for less than it is worth. If you have any questions about how transferring a resource affects Medicaid coverage, please contact the welfare or social services agency that handles Medicaid in your area. They can answer your questions about how transferring resources affects Medicaid.
This is not true. Parasitic diseases are diagnosed and treated every day in the United States. Some are common and some are very rare, found only in travelers or immigrants from areas where the parasites are common. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult and may require a specialist.
Let me also be clear: a company can fulfill its fiduciary duty to shareholders and maintain a commitment to compliance and lawfulness. In fact, companies serve their shareholders when they proactively put in place compliance functions and spend resources anticipating problems. They do so both by avoiding regulatory actions in the first place and receiving credit from the government. Conversely, we will ensure the absence of such programs inevitably proves a costly omission for companies who end up the focus of department investigations.
The content on this page provides general consumer information. It is not legal advice or regulatory guidance. The CFPB updates this information periodically. This information may include links or references to third-party resources or content. We do not endorse the third-party or guarantee the accuracy of this third-party information. There may be other resources that also serve your needs.
These initial services help identify your child's strengths and needs, as well as locate resources to meet those needs. You will be asked for permission to bill your or your child's insurance for these services.
In New York State, the SNAP Program now allows you to have more money in a checking or savings account, or even a retirement account, without affecting your eligibility for SNAP benefits. As of January 1, 2008, most households applying for SNAP benefits no longer have to pass a savings/resource test in order to get SNAP benefits. This means having money in a savings, checking or retirement account, or having other resources, will not keep you from being eligible for SNAP benefits, as long as you meet the income guidelines.
There are thousands of math websites that can be used as part of a game-based learning approach or differentiation strategy. Online resources get students excited about learning math and can often be scaled based on knowledge and grade level.
Multiplication is a difficult concept for many students to grasp. Memorizing and understanding core multiplication facts is a key element of math fluency, and provides an essential foundation for further study.
Proponents have been pointing to the advantages of peer teaching since the 18th century. It's one of many teaching strategies that helps develop reasoning and critical thinking skills, and a pioneering 1988 study found it improved self-esteem and interpersonal skills.
And the technique can even be adapted for math class: one study found that reciprocal teaching in math can improve understanding of word-based problems, and can help students understand questions better.
Dr. Christy Byrd, psychologist and Associate Professor at NC State University, has also published research which found that "elements of culturally relevant teaching were significantly associated with academic outcomes and ethnic-racial identity development."
In order to be an effective teacher, you need to have access to resources that allow you to continuously grow your skills. According to a study with teachers from eight different countries, teachers who had access to professional development were more likely to effectively use different teaching strategies in their classrooms:
The American Cancer Society offers programs and services to help you during and after cancer treatment. Below are some of the resources we provide. We can also help you find other free or low-cost resources available.
What is pancreatic cancer? Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the pancreas. It happens when exocrine cells (a type of cell found in the pancreas) start to change and grow out of control, crowding out normal cells.
These running resources continue to teach me new techniques, training tips, and workouts. They introduce me to some of the best running gear and gadgets that will improve my running exponentially. Without a doubt, I believe that the running resources listed below are the absolute best resources for runners.
Taking advantage of all the running resources out there will no doubt help you become the best runner you can be. This age of technology we are living in definitely has its advantages, and I love the fact that I am able to learn so much for free. When I purchase running gear or sign up for a race, I can do so knowing that this purchase is bound to help me become a better runner. These resources for runners are only the beginning!
If the aws command cannot be found after first installing or updating the AWS CLI, it might not have been fully installed. Try reinstalling by following the steps for your platform in Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI.
If the aws command cannot be found after first installing or updating the AWS CLI on Linux, it might not have execute permissions for the folder it installed in. Run the following command with the PATH to your AWS CLI installation,to provide chmod permissions to the AWS CLI:
Today was spent with the natural resources division at Tuzigoot. The day started off with me and three employees from natural resources going out into the marshlands around Tuzigoot. I had the pleasure of hiking around the area with Hannah Siroky to take snake surveys. We were looking for Mexican Garter Snakes, and to find them we lifted up multiple boards/ pieces of sheet metal that were placed around the marsh by the Park Service for the specific purpose of finding snakes. The Park Service wants to keep tabs on this specific snake because it is an endangered species. Unfortunately, there were no snakes, but I still enjoyed being able to explore the dense thickets of marshland around Tuzigoot National Monument. The other two Park Service employees, Dan Batha and Greg Vandas, were going around the same area checking mosquito traps. The traps are meant to lower the mosquito population to reduce the spread of diseases that some mosquitoes can carry.
The Park Service employees from earlier in the day, along with an intern named Richard Lory, another park service employee named Fraser Watson, and myself, all got into a couple of small ATVs called "Mules" and headed to the Verde River. The Mules are pretty slow and bumpy, but the ride was still very entertaining because it kind of felt like a ride from an amusement park as we went through the densely vegetated area around the river. We stopped at a bridge to meet up with the Conservation Corps group, and then headed the the river by foot. The task was to find dragonfly larvae in the river; this was done by wading into the river with nets and extracting mud from the murky bottom, and then sifting through the mud to find the larvae. Once found, the larvae are then sent to a lab to be tested for mercury. Mercury can cause huge problems for an aquatic ecosystem such as the Verde River, so the larvae that are found play a huge role in the determining if the river is healthy. I had a great time wading through the cool waters of the Verde River, and it seemed as if everyone else was having a good time as well. It turned into a friendly competition to see who could find the most larvae, which added some motivation to the task. All in all, we found seven dragonfly larvae ranging from 13 mm long to 36 mm long. I found the 36 mm larvae under a floating log;it was super fat and was even starting to grow wings! Along with the seven dragonfly larvae, we also found different bug species' larvae, a mysterious swimming worm, a large slug, clams, crayfish, and small fish. I had a blast, and can't wait to see what the natural resources division has in store for tomorrow!
Anaerobic bacteria prefer and some require an environment without oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria are generally found in compacted soil, deep inside soil particles (microsites), and hydric soils where oxygen is limiting. Many pathogenic bacteria prefer anaerobic soil conditions and are known to outcompete or kill off aerobic bacteria in the soil. Many anaerobic bacteria are found in the intestines of animals and are associated with manure and bad smells (Lowenfels & Lewis, 2006).
More specifically, Phase 2 of this project consists of extending the express lanes the final eight miles from Interlocken Loop in Broomfield to Table Mesa in Boulder. The goal of the HPTE is to seek the maximum amount of federal resources through TIFIA, not only to complete Phase 2 but to complete it concurrently with Phase 1, enabling the entire corridor to be open to users by the year 2015.
The FDIC provides a wealth of resources for consumers, bankers, analysts, and other stakeholders. Browse our collection of financial education materials, data tools, documentation of laws and regulations, information on important initiatives, and more.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in the pigments of leafy green vegetables and other brightly colored foods. They are key to protecting the macula, the area of the eye that gives us our central, most detailed vision. Kale and spinach have plenty of these nutrients. Other foods with useful amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin include romaine lettuce, collards, turnip greens, broccoli and peas. And while not leafy and green, eggs also are a good source of these nutrients. 041b061a72